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Library Policies and Schedule


Dear Readers,
Our Neil Armstrong Library has a large collection of books that support the diverse needs and interests of the students. With their class, students will come to the library once a week to select and check-out books. The books are due back in one week. Students can renew books by bringing the book to the library at their classes’ assigned time. Thank you for supporting the prompt return and care of the library books. To insure that our library collection remains intact, a replacement fee is charged for lost or damaged books. 
Any use of the library must be scheduled with the front office. Please be aware that the library is a shared area and tables and chairs need to be kept in proper order. Refrain from snacking in the library, as we have students with food allergies and the library must be kept an allergy free area for their use. 
A successful library is a cooperative effort, and by working together we can create an opportunity for many great reading adventures!
Happy Reading,
Ms. Pearson
Library Media Coordinator
Questions or concerns, please contact me at


The library is not available for group or individual use unless scheduled with the office. Please contact Mrs. Golden for library usage.
The library is a shared space.  Please respect this by completing the following: 
- Return all chairs and tables to their original positions.
- Pick up and clean up after your group.
- Recognize that the library materials (books and computers) are to be used during library time only and should not be used unless permission has been received to use them.
- BE VERY SENSITIVE TO ALLERGIES.  There are students with very serious allergies and can react to contact with nuts, etc. which is why that we request that you do not eat or drink in the library.