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Parent Student Handbook


Student-Parent Handbook
Neil Armstrong’s Vision Statement
          Neil Armstrong’s vision is to promote collaboration between staff, parents, and students to achieve academic excellence. We strive to create a safe environment, which fosters the development of responsible, caring students who are lifelong learners that are prepared to meet the challenges of a culturally diverse society.
Mission Statement
          The goal of Neil Armstrong School is to promote life-long learning. In order to achieve this goal the staff, parents, and community will facilitate and encourage the following:
·  Academic performance
·  Individual growth
·  Independent and cooperative work
·  Critical thinking
·  Responsibility
·  Creativity
·  Leadership
·  Citizenship
·  Sportsmanship
School Phone Numbers ................................................................            5
Parent Information ......................................................................             6
School Policies ..............................................................................          6-7
          Attendance Policy, School Arrival Policy, Dismissal Time, Tardy Policy, Leaving
                School Policy, Rainy Day Procedure, Independent Study Contract
Homework Policy……………………………………………….         8-9
General Information ...................................................................          9-15
          Medication During School Hours, Life Threatening Medical Problems,
                Student Checkout, Report Cards/Conferences, School Property, Emergency Cards,
                 Home-School Communication, Donations, Fire and Earthquake Drills, Lost and
Found, Use of the Telephones/Cell Phones, Visitors, Parent Volunteers,
 Volunteer Drivers, Field Trips, Parking at School, Birthday Celebrations,
Items Not Permitted at School, Disruptive/Dangerous Objects,
 Bicycles and Scooters, Pets at School, Neil Armstrong School Dress Code Policy.
Lunch Program ..........................................................................              15-16
                Cafeteria, Lunch costs, Noon Supervisors
Code of Conduct Philosophy ....................................................     16-20
                General Rules, Playground Rules, Grounds for Suspension and
            Expulsion Cafeteria and Eating Area Rules, Consequences,
            Behavior Notification Forms
Programs and Organizations ...................................................                20-21
                GATE, Student Council, Library, Computer Lab, ELL, Character
                Counts, FOCUS, P.T.A., Academic Boosters, Rainbow Program,
Support Personnel ....................................................................                 22-23
                Pre-Student Success Team, Learning Lab Specialist, Speech and
                Language Specialist, Psychologist, Health Educator
School History ..........................................................................    back cover
Revised March 2011
2849 Calais Drive
San Ramon, CA 94583
Office:                                                                (925) 479-1600
Attendance Line:                                              (925) 828-3198
Fax:                                                                    (925) 828-8473
Growing Room:                                                (925) 833-9166
San Ramon Valley Unified School District 552-5500
Parent Rights /Responsibilities
Parents have the right to expect that attention will be given to the academic, social, physical, and emotional needs of the students in an atmosphere which treats children with dignity, fairness and consistency.  Parents share the responsibility to support the school in its efforts to provide an exemplary program for students.  Parents have the responsibility to:
  • Send students to school on time each day.
  • See that students receive a proper diet and ample rest.
  • Make sure their student comes to school with all materials, books, assignments and a lunch.
  • Provide a quiet time and place for study to insure student’s complete their homework.
  • Show an interest in the student’s day.
  • Communicate with the teacher regarding progress reports and any concerns or questions through email, Tuesday folders, School Loops or Lyris.
  • Keep all conference appointments or notify the school to the contrary.
  • Work cooperatively with the school as a student’s education is a shared responsibility to reinforce lessons and skills.
  • Refrain from taking their children out of school for vacations throughout the year.
  • Reinforce positive character traits.
Attendance Policy
It is the responsibility of the parent to notify the office of any attendance issues. You may do so by either calling the attendance line at 925-828-3198, or you can log on to the school website at Please report any change in your child’s attendance before 9:30 am.
School Arrival Policy
Students should arrive at school no earlier than 15 minutes before the start of their school day. Students should proceed directly to the playground. Please be sure that students do not arrive earlier, as there is no supervision prior to this time. Kindergarten students should report to the Kindergarten play yard. Late birds in Kindergarten and 1st grade should report to the Kindergarten play yard no more than 10 minutes early. Parents must stay with children unless a yard duty is present.
Dismissal Time
Students must be picked up or walk home immediately upon the dismissal of school. Students who are dismissed at 2:10pm may not wait at school for older family members who are dismissed at 3:05pm AND are not allowed to play on the playground because classes are still in session. Students who are dismissed at 3:05pm must leave the campus to go home and then may return to play if a parent has given their permission to their child to play at school. Students with parent supervision may remain on the playground.
Tardy Policy
Students are expected to be at school on time.Punctuality is a life-long skill, which is stressed at Neil Armstrong School.If a student is late, for any reason, he/she must go to the office to get a Tardy Pass before going to class.Parents will be contacted when a student is repeatedly late to school and appropriate consequences will be enforced. Letters will be sent home from both the school and the District Office when truancy is over ten times a year. They need to be signed and returned by the parent/guardian.
Leaving School Policy during class time
Students who leave school for any reason, other that dismissal time, must have permission from the parent or a person designated on the student’s emergency card. Students must be signed out in the office before leaving campus.
Rainy Day Procedure
On rainy days children are to report directly to their classroom no earlier than 15 minutes before the scheduled day begins.
The children remain in the classroom for recesses and for lunch on some rainy days.During lunch, the noon supervisors check the classrooms to ensure that students are following rainy day rules.Quiet and safe games are encouraged at this time.
If you would like to volunteer to help monitor your child’s classroom during lunch recess on rainy days, please contact the office.Your help would be appreciated.
Independent Study Contract
If you know in advance that your child will be absent for 5 or more days for non-medical reasons, you may arrange with the teacher for an Independent Study Contract.Requests must be made 3-5 days in advance for consecutive absences lasting 1-10 days, and 5-10 days for consecutive absences lasting longer then 10 days to provide the time to prepare assignments.Parents are responsible for verifying that assignments are complete. The assignments need to be returned to school the first day the student returns in order for the contract to be valid. Please come to front office for a copy of the contract.
Homework Policy
Please note: The Board of Education voted to implement this policy in full for grades K-8 starting in the 2008-09 school year. Staff will be working with the high schools on an implementation timeline with full implementation planned for the second semester.
Homework is an integral component of education that deepens student learning and understanding.  K-12 students will participate in homework that is meaningful, purposeful, and appropriate.
Homework For All Grades Levels
  • The Grade Level Guidelines of this policy are based on the needs of the average student. The amount of homework assigned to students should be different in elementary, middle, and high school. The amount of time a student spends on assigned homework depends on factors such as the student’s needs, learning ability, subject, school schedule, testing schedule and assigned homework due dates. Please look online at out districts homework policy. Time spent on homework should be balanced with the importance of personal and family well-being, and the wide array of family obligations experienced in our society today.
  • Parents and teachers should make students aware that learning occurs at home, school, and in the world around them.
  • Homework should be the result of collaborative efforts, thoughtfully considered, and coordinated to improve student learning.
  • Homework should be purposeful and meaningful to students.  Legitimate purposes for homework include practicing a skill or process that students can do independently but not fluently, elaborating on information that has been addressed in class to deepen students’ knowledge, and providing opportunities for students to explore topics of their own interest.
  • Reading is an integral part of learning and is a consistent part of homework.
  • Homework will reflect the accommodations and modifications of curriculum that is stated in a student’s IEP or 504 plan.
Grade Level Guidelines
Elementary School
  • Reading is an integral part of learning.  These guidelines include 15-20 minutes of reading per night:
K-115-30 minutes of homework per night (reading included)
2-330-45 minutes of homework per night (reading included)
4-545-60 minutes of homework per night (reading included)
  • In the primary grades (K-3), homework consists primarily of reading and a limited number of independent exercises to reinforce previously taught basic skills.
  • Except for reading, homework at the elementary level should not be assigned over weekends, holidays, or extended school breaks.
  • At the upper grades (4-5), homework consists of completing, practicing, preparing, or extending core academic skills and is designed to build independent study habits.
  • Long term assignments should be limited in number and duration.  Project based assignments should primarily be undertaken and completed in the classroom.  Some portions of projects may be assigned as homework; however, these tasks should not require group participation, significant assistance from parents or costly materials.  These assignments should include clear check points to monitor progress toward completion.
Regulation Approved:  June 24, 2008



Medication During School Hours

Medications cannot be dispensed to students unless a Medication During School Hours form is signed by his/her physician and is on file in the office. This applies for both prescribed and over the counter medication. These forms are available in the school office.   Students should not be given medications of any kind to bring to school.
  • Medication must be brought to school by the parent or adult representative.
  • Medication must be brought to school in the original container.
  • Over-the-counter drugs must also have a completed form on file.
  • All medications must be kept in the office.
  • This form must be renewed whenever the prescription and/or dosage changes and at the beginning of each school year.
A parent or adult representative must pick up unused medication at the end of the school year or when the medication order expires.  Medication that is not picked up will be discarded.
Life Threatening Medical Problems
If your child has a medical problem that might result in a life-threatening emergency situation at school (e.g., Cardiac disorders, diabetes, severe asthma, severe allergic reactions to insects or food, or other miscellaneous life-threatening conditions), a separate form needs to be completed by the parent and returned to school. If it is a condition that may require medication a form will need to be signed by the students doctor.These form are available in the office.
Student Checkout
When a student moves or leaves the school, parents are responsible for contacting the office and teacher to verify that all books, musical instruments, library books, etc. have been returned.
Report Cards/Conferences
Report cards will be sent home to parents three times during the school year.  Parent conferences may be held twice a year.  Additional conferences may be held throughout the year at the teacher’s or parent’s request.  In order for your child to have a successful school experience, communication between the school and home is vital.  The school can hold report cards until all accounts and materials are cleared at the end of the year.
School Property
Students are expected to take proper care of the books and materials they receive from the school.  Parents will be required to pay for lost or damaged items.  Report cards will be held and privileges can be lost until items are paid for or returned.
Students who lose or willfully deface, destroy or steal school property (texts, library books, etc.) or property of others may be expected to clean up, repair, replace and/or pay for damaged item(s).  Parents of students causing serious physical injury may be expected to pay for medical bills.

Emergency Cards

Students, who become ill at school and/or have medical appointments and must leave during school hours, MAY BE RELEASED ONLY TO INDIVIDUALS LISTED ON THE EMERGENCY CARD
IT IS IMPORTANT FOR PARENTS TO TAKE THE RESPONSIBILITY FOR KEEPING EMERGENCY INFORMATION UPDATED.  Please inform the office of any changes in address, phone numbers (home or work), baby-sitters, emergency numbers, etc.  All school forms must be signed by the parent/guardian.
Home-School Communication
 School communications will be sent home on Tuesday in a folder.  Dated materials and/or urgent messages may be sent home on days other than Tuesday.  Please discuss with your child the importance of bringing home all school information, as this is our main communication link with parents.  Please look in your child’s backpack every Tuesday for school notices.
Lyris is another form of communication we use at Neil Armstrong. It is an e-mail information system used district wide.  School and district information will be sent via e-mail. The messages will be sent to the e-mail addresses you have provided on
your emergency cards.
Each year the Neil Armstrong School asks families to make a classroom donation. This donation supports classroom supplies and field trips throughout the year. It is strongly encouraged that all families make their donations on a yearly basis.
Fire and Earthquake Drills
Fire drills are scheduled monthly to familiarize students with proper safety procedures. Disaster drills (duck & cover) also occur several times a year.  Each class has an emergency bag that contains emergency first aid items and student emergency information. During an emergency, students will only be released to individuals listed on the emergency card.  Parents are responsible for informing the school regarding any changes in information (address, phone numbers, etc.).
Lost and Found
Parents are urged to mark all personal articles with your child’s name and phone number.  The lost and found is located in the Multi Purpose Room in a large cart. Smaller items are brought to the office. Unclaimed items are donated to a local charity.
Use of the Telephone
The school telephones are not for student use (emergencies are the only exception).  Using the office phone for permission to visit with friends or to ask for forgotten lunch money, musical instruments, homework or books is not permitted.
Cell Phone Usage: We ask visitors refrain from using their cell phones inside the building. Please complete your calls before entering the school. Students are not permitted to use cell phones on school grounds. If a student is found using a cell phone it will be confiscated and brought to the office. Parents will be required to claim them.
Visitors are always welcome at Neil Armstrong School.  State Law requires all visitors to sign in at the office.  PLEASE COME TO THE OFFICE TO SIGN IN AND GET A NAME TAG TO WEAR BEFORE VISITING THE CLASSROOM.  Parents must contact the teacher to schedule a day and time for a visitation, and 24 hours notice is required.  Drop in visitations are disruptive to teachers and students and are not permitted.
Parents are requested to contact students through the school office.  Items such as books, homework, etc. should be left in the office for delivery to your child’s classroom. Forgotten lunches are to be taken to the MPR and placed in the Forgotten Lunch bin. Please do not take items directly to the classroom, as this is very disruptive.
Any visiting non-Neil Armstrong student (a student not currently on our rosters) who would like to accompany their friends/cousins/etc… for a day at our school cannot participate in classroom activities without prior consent from both the classroom teacher, parents and school administration.  Parents wanting their child to spend the day at our school must give a 48 hour notice to both the classroom teacher and administration as well as have signed a permission form in order to approve this request. Once approved all student visitors must check in with the front office.
Parent Volunteers
Neil Armstrong parents are an integral part of the school community.  Parents help in various ways in the classrooms, the library, and in the office.  Parents also help on field trips and with special activities.  Each classroom has a Room Parent who coordinates volunteers for classroom activities and programs.
 All volunteers are required by district to have a volunteer clearance form on file. We ask that all forms are in the office by October 1st of the school year. The volunteer is required to watch the Volunteer Orientation video. The video can be viewed online at the district website, After viewing the video you will be prompted to download the volunteer form. Please sign the form and return it to the front office with a copy of your picture ID. A copy of the volunteer form can also be found on the information wall in the office.
Volunteer Drivers
In the event that private vehicles are used to transport students on field trips or to other school functions, each driver must:
  • Have a volunteer clearance form on file in the office no later than October1st.
  • Sign a Personal Automobile Use Form, which states:
The driver holds a valid California Driver’s License. The driver carries insurance with a minimum coverage of $100,000/300,000 bodily injury and $25,000 property damage. The driver understands that his/her own insurance is primary and District’s insurance is considered secondary. The form must be signed by the driver, which states that you have proper insurance; it is then approved by the site administrator. This form needs to be cleared by the office no later than October 1st of the school year.
  • Sign a “Hold Harmless” form.
  • We are required to have a copy of the driver’s license and of the current insurance policy. These documents are to be submitted with the driver clearance form and do not need to be updated through the year.
  • Report all disciplinary/medical concerns to the teacher immediately. Please
consider others when volunteering to drive if you are currently under the care of a physician or on medication that may impact your driving abilities.
  • Be responsible for the safety and well being of students in your care.
  • Children must ride in a Child Restraint Device (car seat) until the child is:
  •  Age of 6 years or older (and)
  • Weighs 60lbs or more.
       Parents must provide the car seat.
Automobile use forms are available in the office and are good for the entire school year. If for some reason you change insurance companies/policies or vehicles you will need to provide the new information to the office.
Field Trips
The classroom teacher with the help of the Room Parents organizes field trips.  Field trips are paid for by parent donations.  They may be canceled if not enough drivers are available and paperwork is not in the office 48 hours prior to the trip.  Students are required to have a signed permission slip for each trip returned to the teacher by the due date.  Permission by phone is not acceptable.  Parent drivers must have the proper insurance coverage, and have completed and approved driver permission form on file in the office.  Each person in the car must use a seat belt.  Students are not permitted to ride in the front seat of the vehicle. If you have a passenger side airbag, a student may not ride in that seat.  (No exceptions are permitted.)  No siblings may go on the field trips or other adults without a signed volunteer clearance form on file.
Parking at School
Parents/Visitors may not park in the STAFF ONLY parking lot on Gorham. THIS PARKING LOT IS NOT FOR DROPPING OFF OR PICKING UP STUDENTS. Parents should park on Calais, Mennet, Gorham or Westchester and walk onto the campus to drop off and pick up a child. Students may not walk in between parked cars or enter parking lots to meet parents. There is absolutely No double parking during arrival or dismissal times. Police officers monitor the school and will issue tickets to individuals who violate safety laws.
Birthday Celebrations
We realize birthdays are very special to our students and like to honor their special day. If we are aware of their birthday we will recognize the day by singing happy birthday to the student at lunch in the MPR. We ask that parents follow a few simple guidelines when bringing in birthday treats. Please no presents, balloons, etc… Keep the celebration to treats only. Please check with the teacher for food allergies among other students in the class and also what the particular teacher’s limitations are. Treats need to be delivered to the class room in the morning before school. They may not be left at the front office while school is in session.
Items Not Permitted at School during class time
Students are not allowed to bring roller skates, roller blades, scooters, electric scooters, razors, shoes with wheels, baseball bats, hard balls, skateboards, tobacco products, alcohol, candy, gum, Ipods, cameras, toys, radios, cassette players, makeup, nail polish, pagers, cell phones, balloons, fire crackers, stink bombs, or aerosol cans (shaving cream, hair spray, perfume, etc.) as they pose a safety concern.  If these items are brought to school they will be confiscated and brought to the school office.  Parents will be required to come to the office to claim them and students may be assigned disciplinary consequences.  The school accepts NO responsibility for lost or damaged items.
Disruptive/Dangerous Objects
Electronic devices and cell phones are not allowed at school. Such articles provide distractions in the classroom and supervision problems on the playground.  Toys from home are not allowed unless requested by the teacher.Toy/real knives, toy/real guns, water balloons, gunpowder, caps, drugs, alcohol, tobacco products, or any other item that are dangerous/illegal are prohibited at Neil Armstrong.
Bicycles and Scooters
Children may ride their bicycles and manual powered scooters to school.Electric scooters are not allowed.  Bicycles and manual scooters  are to be parked and locked in the rack within the bicycle enclosure.  Bicycle riders should observe traffic safety laws and be considerate of children walking to school.  At no time during the school day are bicycles to be ridden on school grounds.  California state law requires that all students must wear helmets while riding a bicycle.  The school provides a fenced area to park bikes, but this area is NOT LOCKED during the day and THE SCHOOL IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THEFT OR VANDALISM.  The student is responsible for providing an individual lock to ensure the security of his/her bike.
Pets at School
Pets are not to be brought to school for sharing without the permission of your child’s teacher.  The pet must be brought in by a parent, shown, and taken home.  Dogs should not be brought on campus during the school day due to the risk of possible injury to students.  Dogs on leashes are allowed on campus after school hours when children are not present. Dog owners must pick up after their dog when using school grounds during non-school hours.
Neil Armstrong School Dress Code Policy
We encourage parents to help their children select clothing, which reflects a positive attitude towards school.  Parent support is appreciated in observing the following guidelines for appropriate attire at school.  Students will be given one warning and then parents will be notified by telephone/note by the classroom teacher/principal.  If dress standards are violated a second time, the parent will be required to bring a change of clothing to school and disciplinary consequences may be invoked.
All student apparel should be clean, neat, safe and appropriate for school. Attire that draws undue attention to or detracts from the educational process is unacceptable.  Appropriate student dress is necessary in order to:
  • Maintain order
  • Promote a safe/positive learning environment
  • Foster student accountability and good decision making
All students must follow dress code standards:
1.  Footwear that provides for safe participation in school activities (no flip flops  
     or  heels). Closed toed shoes are recommended for your safety.
            2.  Halter tops, midriff shirts/ blouses, see-through tops, tank tops less than 3
                 fingers width, (to be determined by person of authority such as teacher, nurse,
                 office staff, and/or administrator) cutoffs, and torn clothing are inappropriate
                 school attire.
            3.  Shorts and skirts should be the length of the fingers extended straight
                 down one’s side (the finger tip rule).                    
  • Hats and caps may not be worn inside any school building.
            5.  No accessory or clothing should cause disruption to teaching and learning. 
                 (inappropriate sayings, cosmetics, colorful hairspray, rollers, etc.)
            6.  Attire, which exposes undergarments, is not acceptable.
            7.  Wearing or possessing any clothing or accessories that are gang related are strictly prohibited.  (sayings, symbols, hair nets, bandannas, stocking caps,                    chains, etc.)
  • No oversized pants.
  • SB 310 requires each school to allow pupils to wear sun-protective clothing, including hats, while outdoors during the school day.  This bill still prohibits students from wearing specific clothing and hats if the apparel is gang-related or otherwise inappropriate.
Students who chronically violate the dress code policy will be subject to disciplinary consequences.
The Neil Armstrong cafeteria serves a hot lunch daily that includes various main entree choices.  Lunch, including milk, costs $3.50 per day. Milk and orange juice are  available separately for $.50 per carton. Bottle water can be purchased for $1.00/bottle. Free and reduced lunches are available for those who qualify. A form needs to be completed by the parents. You can obtain this form in the office or call Child Nutrition at 925 824-1808. This information is kept confidential.
Neil Armstrong has a computerized system for purchasing meals.  Each student will access their meal account by way of a laminated meal card (debit card) that will remain at school.  The meal account and card is tied to your student’s permanent identification number issued by the school district.  Your student will only need to present their meal card during lunch service. 
There are several ways to put money into your student’s account:
1.  Visit the Web Site on line at You will need your students ID
     number in order to set-up an account. You can find their ID number on the label of
     their registration packets. You can also contact the office for the information.
2.  AT THE SCHOOL OFFICE – before 9:30am, drop off a check or cash in an  
    envelope. Please make sure you put your student’s name, teacher’s name, and the
    amount on the front of the envelope. If you write a check make it out to Child
    Nutrition. There is a box located on the office counter for you to put your
    payment in. 
PLEASE do not send your child with cash to pay at the time they are having lunch. The cash may be submitted at the office only. Child Nutrition is not able to take money and make change while lunches are being served. 
You will be notified by Child Nutrition if the balance on your  child’s account is running low or you may check it on-line using your students ID number.
*If your child forgets his/her bag lunch, please drop it off in the multi-purpose room in the box located near the side door, near the inside MPR restrooms.
Noon Supervisors
The school district provides paid adults to supervise children in the lunch area and on the playground during lunch recess. The school expects all students to demonstrate respect  for all school personnel.
*If you are interested in applying for a permanent supervisor position, volunteering, or signing up as a substitute noon supervisor, please call the school office.
Neil Armstrong’s discipline policy provides for a systematic approach to discipline, which enables teachers to set firm, fair and consistent limits while remaining aware of individual needs for warmth, understanding and the development of a positive self-concept. Second Step is an adopted District curriculum, and is implemented in our
Students are expected to make responsible decisions and to behave in a manner consistent with all school rules.  Students will be held accountable for their own behavior and will conduct themselves in a manner conducive to their own learning, as well as, that of others.  Students are expected to use “Talk It Out” or seek an adult to resolve problems and refrain from physically aggressive acts that may endanger the safety of others.
Maintaining a positive school climate requires the communication of clear behavioral
expectations that are consistently enforced.  Cooperation between home and school represents a strong force in ensuring that each student benefits from a safe, orderly learning environment.
General Rules
1.         Students are to act in a respectful manner to other students and adults.
                        a.  Students will not use inappropriate language or gestures.
                        b.  Students are to refrain from activities that physically or verbally hurt others (chasing, pushing, name calling, spitting, threatening, etc.)
                        c.  Students are to follow the directions of ALL adults in the school.
                        d.  Defiance of authority and/or disruptive classroom behavior is not permitted, and are suspendable offenses.
2.         Rough play, play fighting, throwing rocks, and possession of dangerous or disruptive objects/weapons, and possession of alcohol/drugs are suspendable offenses and will not be tolerated.
3.         Students will respect all school property and the property of others.  Graffiti will
            result in a financial obligation for parents.
4.         Students are to remain under the supervision of an adult at all times and may not   leave designated play areas or remain in classrooms alone.
5.         Students are to walk in all areas of the school quietly, especially in hallways.
6.         Students are not to bring or chew gum, candy or sunflower seeds at school.
7.         Students are not to bring toys, radios, cassette players, skateboards, razors,      scooters, cell phones, makeup, nail polish, or other personal items to school
            unless specifically approved/requested by the school.   The school accepts NO responsibility for lost or damaged items.
8.         Students must have a pass to leave the classroom or to be admitted to the office.
Playground Rules
General Rules
1.         Students are to act in a respectful manner to other students and adults.
                        a.  Students will not use inappropriate language or gestures.
                        b.  Students are to refrain from activities that physically or verbally hurt others (chasing, pushing, name calling, spitting, threatening, etc.)
                        c.  Students are to follow the directions of ALL adults in the school.
                        d.  Defiance of authority and/or disruptive classroom behavior is not permitted, and are suspendable offenses.
2.         Rough play, play fighting, throwing rocks, and possession of dangerous or disruptive objects/weapons, and possession of alcohol/drugs are suspendable offenses and will not be tolerated.
3.         Students will respect all school property and the property of others.  Graffiti will
            result in a financial obligation for parents.
4.         Students are to remain under the supervision of an adult at all times and may not leave designated play areas or remain in classrooms alone.
5.         Students are to walk in all areas of the school quietly, especially in hallways.
6.         Students are not to bring or chew gum, candy or sunflower seeds at school.
7.         Students are not to bring toys, radios, cassette players, skateboards, razors, scooters, cell phones, makeup, nail polish, or other personal items to school
            unless specifically approved/requested by the school.   The school accepts NO responsibility for lost or damaged items.
8.         Students must have a pass to leave the classroom or to be admitted to the office.
Playground Rules
1.         Students are to play in designated areas only. The following areas are off limits     
            For play: hallways, offices, bathrooms, parking lots, bike racks, fences,
            Courtyards, portables, the grass area near the Growing Room, steps by the MPR,
            Baseball diamond (Grades K, 1, and 2).
2.         Students are to play in a safe manner on/with all playground equipment.
3.         Students are to stop play and form orderly lines after the recess bell rings (Use
            of the lavatory and drinking fountains is to occur prior to the bell.)
4.         Throwing or kicking rocks, tan bark, dirt, etc. is not allowed. Digging of tan bark
            strictly prohibited.
5.         Balls should not be kicked on the school building. Balls should only be kicked against the ball walls or during kickball games.
6.         Kicking of stray balls is strictly prohibited! All balls will be carried by students 
           and properly placed in the playground bins after the teacher whistles.
7.        Body contact games such as tackle football and play fighting during recess time as
well as before/after school are not allowed.
8.         Students must get permission from a supervisor to retrieve a ball outside the
            designated play area.
9.         Bikes are not to be ridden on school grounds.
10.       Scooters, skateboards, rollerblades, and skate shoes are strictly prohibited on
            school grounds at all times. If a students is in possession of any of these items
            they will be confiscated and a parent will have to pick it up in the front  office.
11.       There will be no hanging upside down on the monkey bars. Hanging from the bars  with your legs is strictly prohibited! Flipping is not allowed!
12.       Students must count to 100 to use the swings if another student is on them.
            Jumping off the swings is strictly prohibited. Students must line up on the tan
            bark and wait patiently for their turn. Students cannot push other students on
            swings at any time and/or monkey bars.
13.       Multi Pondo – Students must line up on the cement area in groups of two. Students must count to 50 before it is their turn on the multi pondo.
14.       Tennis balls are only allowed before school. No balls from home are allowed
            Other than tennis balls on school grounds.
15.      GAGA Pit – The ball must be hit with an open hand and ball thrown at students
           below the knee. There are no double touches and no sitting on the edge of the pit.
           The game is over when two people are left and students have 10 sec. counting
           backward to get one more student out. At the end of ten second OR when one
           Student is left the game is over.
Grounds for Suspension and Expulsion
Disciplinary action by the school administration will take into account frequency, severity, and grade level at which behavior problems occur.  Disciplinary consequences for violation of Education Code 48900 may range from detention or suspension to a maximum penalty of expulsion.
Ed Code 48900
1.Caused, attempted to cause, or threatened to cause physical injury to another person.
2.*Willfully used force or violence upon the person of another, except in self- defense.
Possessed, sold, or otherwise furnished any  firearm, knife, explosive, or other dangerous object.
Unlawfully possessed, used, sold, or otherwise furnished, or been under the influence of any controlled substance as defined in the Health and Safety Code, alcoholic beverage, or intoxicant of any kind.
*Unlawfully offered, arranged, or negotiated to sell any controlled substance as defined in Health and Safety Code, alcoholic beverage or intoxicant of any kind, and then sold, delivered, or otherwise furnished to any person another liquid, substance, or material and presented same as a controlled substance, alcoholic beverage, or intoxicant.
Committed or attempted to commit robbery or extortion.
Caused or attempted to cause damage to school property or private property.
Stole or attempted to steal school property or private property.
Possessed or used tobacco, or any product containing tobacco or nicotine products (except in the very limited instance of nicotine as an ingredient of a prescribed drug that requires ingestion during school hours) including, but not limited to, cigarettes, cigars, miniature cigars, clove cigarettes, smokeless tobacco, snuff, chew packets, and betel.
Committed an obscene act or engaged in habitual profanity or vulgarity.
Unlawfully possessed, or unlawfully offered, arranged, or negotiated to sell any drug paraphernalia, as defined in Section 11014.5 of the Health and Safety Code.
Disrupted school activities or otherwise willfully defied the valid authority of supervisors, teachers, administrators, school officials, or other school personnel engaged in the performance of their duties.
Knowingly received stolen school property or private property.
 Possessed an imitation firearm.
Committed or attempted to commit a sexual assault or committed a sexual battery as defined in the Penal Code.
 Harassed, threatened, or intimidated a student witness.
Additional Grounds:
  • Sexual harassment. (Ed Code 48900.2)
  • Committed an act of hate violence.  (Ed Code 48900.3)
  • Harassment, threats, or intimidation creating an intimidating or hostile educational environment.  (Ed Code 48900.4)
  • Terrorist threat against school official or school property.  (Ed Code 48900.7)
  • Hazing (Ed Code 32050-51) 
Any of the above may be referred to a law enforcement agency. 
*The principal or designee must notify law enforcement personnel of these offenses.
DETENTION-Detention shall be limited to one hour on school days and four hours on non-school days. A parent/guardian of the student to be detained must be notified at least twenty hours prior to the beginning of the detention. Saturday School attendance for discipline is at the election of the student or, in the case of a minor, the parent/guardian. (E.C. 37223)
SUSPENSION-Suspension is a disciplinary action that means removal of a student from ongoing instruction for a period of time not to exceed five (5) consecutive school days.  Suspension by an administrator shall be preceded by an informal conference between the administrator and the student unless an emergency situation to be determined by the principal or designee exists. A student's parent/guardian shall be notified in writing of the suspension.  Although the district is not required to hold a conference with the parent/guardian, the parent/guardian is required to attend such a conference when so requested by the district. A pupil may not be suspended or expelled for any of the acts enumerated unless that act is related to school activity or school attendance occurring within a school under the jurisdiction of the superintendent or principal or occurring within any other school district.  A pupil may be suspended or expelled for acts which are enumerated in this section and related to school activity or attendance that occur at any time, including but not limited to, any of the following: 1) While on school grounds; 2) While going to or coming from school; 3) During the lunch period, whether on or off the campus; 4) During, or while going to or coming from, a school sponsored activity.  (E.C. 48900  (p)   At the discretion of the school administration, a student may receive “inhouse” suspension, serving the term of suspension on campus under the supervision of school staff (E.C. 48911.1)
EXPULSION-Expulsion means the removal of a student from enrollment in a school or the district as ordered by the Board of Education.  Expulsion may be ordered for any of the acts listed under Grounds for Suspension and Expulsion when other means of correction have failed to bring about proper conduct, or when a student's presence causes continuing danger to other students.  As defined in Ed Code 48915 (c), possessing, selling, or otherwise furnishing a firearm, brandishing a knife at another person, unlawfully selling a controlled substance, committing or attempting to commit a sexual assault or committing a sexual battery, or possession of any explosives, requires the principal to recommend expulsion.  The length of expulsion for any of these offenses shall be one year.  Parents of an expelled student are required to notify the receiving district that the student has been expelled. (E.C. 48915.1)                          
(Revised 4/9/08)
Cafeteria and Eating Area Rules
1.       Students are to walk quietly to the lunch area in an orderly manner and sit in              
            assigned areas.
2.         Students are responsible for cleaning their own area after eating.
3.         Students are expected to talk in quiet, respectful voices.
4.         Students are to walk in an orderly manner to the playground after being dismissed by a noon supervisor.
5.         Students are to bring food and/or appropriate drink items in plastic or metal containers only.  Glass containers are not allowed as they pose a safety hazard.
6.         Food must stay in the lunch area and may not be brought out on the yard.
7.         Students are not to use other student’s lunch cards.
8.         Students may not throw food.
9.         Students raise their hand and wait to be excused.
10.       Grades 1 & 2 will have a minute of silence before dismissal to recess.
Students are expected to follow all school rules to ensure a safe and orderly environment in which to learn.  Various strategies will be utilized by teachers, supervisors and administrators to remediate inappropriate behavior.  Consequences that will be used when school rules have been violated include:
a.  Denial of Privilege:  Lost privileges may include loss of playtime during recess, time
    out, exclusion from classroom activities, assemblies, or field trips, etc.
b.  Individual Assignment:  Students can be asked to complete a written assignment
     related to the infraction.
c. Community Service: Students may be asked to pick up trash around the school
    (gloves are provided) and/or any other community service assigned by an
c.  Parent Contact:  Phone calls, letter and/or conferences will be utilized to inform
     parents of concerns and possible solutions.  It is expected that parents will discuss the
     problem with his/her child and institute a consequence at home when appropriate.
d.  Detention:  Students will be assigned to detention during recess, lunch recess or
     remain after school for a specified amount of time.  Parents will be notified of all after
     school detentions.
e.  Suspension:  Students may be suspended from school for 1-5 days.  Students must
     remain at home under parent supervision and away from the campus and all school
     activities.  A conference may be held between the parent, student and school
     administrator prior to the student returning to school.  According to EC 48910     
     classroom teachers have the right to suspend students from class for 2 days.
f.  Restitution:  Students who lose or willfully deface, destroy or steal school property
    (texts, library books, etc.) or property of others may be expected to clean up, repair, 
    replace and/or pay for item(s) involved.
Behavior Notification Forms
1.         Warning Notice:  issued by teachers or noon supervisors for cafeteria and playground infractions.
Misconduct Citation:  issued by teachers and/or administrators to notify parents of chronic and/or serious violations of school rules.  Parents must sign this form and return it to school on the following day.
2. Suspension Notice:  issued by the principal to notify parents of the reason for and length of the suspension. A suspension occurs for the following:  fighting, drugs/alcohol, explosives, chronic disruptions, harassment/threats, theft, vandalism, profanity to adults, assault/battery, weapons, and other infractions determined by the teacher and/or administrator
 **All serious violations result in an immediate referral to an administrator.
Gifted and Talented Education (GATE)
Students are identified on the basis of a test given to all students in 2nd grade.  After selection, children may participate in any GATE activities provided by a parent advisory committee and the School District beginning in third grade.
Student Council
The school has an elected Student Council, represented by a student from each classroom, grades 3-5.  Officers are elected from the upper-grade students.  Students participate in various service activities and sponsor events that promote school spirit.
The library is staffed by a part-time library assistant.  Students go to the library weekly and have an opportunity to select from a wide variety of books.  Students are encouraged to bring home their selections to share with parents.  Students are responsible for the proper care and return of materials.  Lost or damaged books must be paid for.  At the end of the school year report cards will be held until books are returned or paid for.
Computer Lab
Students attend the computer lab each week.  The instructional assistant provides instruction in a variety of technology skills. Emphasis is placed on word processing, power point, excel, keyboarding and the use of the Internet for research.   Students have access to other programs that enrich the curriculum.
English Language Learner (ELL) Program
This program assists children whose primary language is not English.  Children in the ELL program receive tutoring and work with appropriate curriculum materials in order to acquire strong English language skills.  ELL students who can perform successfully at grade level as determined by testing are exited from the program.
Character Development Traits
Students K-5 learn about honesty, integrity, tolerance, respect, citizenship, responsibility, and trustworthiness.  We use reward systems and recognition for exhibited traits during student lunchtime in our MPR. Using concrete examples teaches students important social kills and reinforces positive behaviors. Our district program “Second Step” is taught month in all classrooms.
Alternative Education Program (FOCUS)
The FOCUS program at Neil Armstrong School is an alternative program that features:
            1.  Parent participation in the classroom.
            2.  Students in the program loop for two years with the same teacher for K - 1 and then again for 2 - 3.
Class curriculum is standardized by the district, but teachers use parent donations and volunteer time to supplement school resources and provide additional educational experiences and field trips for students.  Please refer to our school website under “Focus” for more information.
Parent Teacher Association
PTA membership is open to parents, guardians, relatives, teachers and friends of Neil Armstrong students.  A membership drive will be conducted early in the school year, however, parents may join at any time.  Parents are encouraged to join PTA and take an active role in this supportive organization. Please contact Neil Armstrong’s president
for further information.
Academic Boosters
The Neil Armstrong Academic Boosters (NAAB) organization is made up of dedicated parents whose goal is to generate funds to support important enrichment programs.  Every program impacts all children in the school.  These programs include paying 100% of the computer teacher salary so that all children may benefit from learning experiences in the computer lab.  NAAB also supports additional Library, Science and Art, Bear Club and the Rainbow time/programs.
Please contact Neil Armstrong’s NAAB president for further information.
  • Each family is encouraged to donate $300 per family at registration.
  • By registering your Chevron Gas Card, Safeway Grocery card, major credit cards and debit cards, e-SCRIP gives a percentage of the purchase back to the school ($10 yearly processing fee).
  • Sign up for a TARGET charge card and a percentage of your charges will go directly to NAAB.
  • Register for SCHOOLPOP.COM, select Neil Armstrong as your school and go on line.  A percentage of your on line purchases through will go directly to NAAB.
  • Use Neil Armstrong’s Albertson’s, Ralph’s, Safeway and Nob Hill card’s each time you shop and a percentage of your purchase will go directly to NAAB.
  • Additional fundraisers such as the Eagle Walk and our live auction/dinner fundraiser occur throughout the year.
Rainbow Program
The Rainbow Program is designed to provide referred students with a “Special Friend” on campus.  Its goal is to help children achieve a smooth adjustment to the school setting.  This is done by providing weekly one-to-one or small group sessions between a child/children and a Rainbow Paraprofessional Aide.  The aides receive pertinent training from project staff and ongoing direct supervision with the Program Coordinator.  Parents are encouraged to attend meetings regarding their child’s educational needs.
Student Success Team (SST)
The SST process is comprised of the current classroom teacher, our principal and/or our Teacher on Special Assignment to support challenges with students who may be displaying academic, disciplinary, or attendance concern. Parents are asked to consult with the referring classroom teacher in providing developmental history, health and other pertinent information.
Before our SST process the classroom teacher consults with their grade level team and the previous teachers to gain insight and ideas for the student. The team works together to support the referring teacher to develop an action plan that could include specific modifications and/or accommodations to help address the students’ concern. When the action plan is successful, methods are implemented and student makes progress. If additional support personnel is required, the students may be referred to the Student Success Team (SST) with the presence of additional support personnel. Parents are invited to attend the SST.
Learning Lab Specialist
The Learning Lab Specialist (resource services) is available to assist student with exceptional learning needs. The Learning Lab Specialist coordinates meetings from parent referrals when final results from the Pre-SST recommends further investigation. The Learning Lab Specialist works with teachers to modify curriculum to meet students learning needs in acquiring the core content material. She/He consults with teachers about troubleshooting issues around students needs. In addition, co-teaching is sometimes done to maximize student learning within the general education setting. The Learning Lab Specialist works with students in the general education setting, as well as in small groups or on a one-on-one basis to address objectives/goals in each students’ Individual Education Plan.
Speech and Language Specialist
Speech and language therapy is provided at Neil Armstrong for children who have difficulty with verbal communication skills and language processing.  Students who meet criteria for speech and language services are enrolled in individual or small groups to work on specific goals listed in the students’ Individual Education Plan.
The school psychologist works with students, teachers, parents, and various community agencies.  Individual counseling and psychological testing are provided to students in need of such services.  The psychologist oversees the intern from the Discovery Center.
Health Educator
Our health educator provides services to our school one day each week.  The health educator coordinates hearing and vision screening for designated students, assists teachers with health education at all grade levels and makes home contacts as needed.
Neil Armstrong School - Our History
Our school opened in the fall of 1969 as Westchester School.  Since the campus wasn’t ready for occupation, classes were held in the houses across from the school on Calais Drive.  Each house was a separate classroom and the street was blocked off and served as a playground area.  A garage was used as the cafeteria for the students.
A group of neighborhood parents formed a committee to come up with a more creative name for the school, other than simply naming the school after a street that bordered school property.  The students and parents were polled and a new name was decided upon.  When the students moved into their new building, the school was dedicated as Neil Armstrong Elementary School in honor of Armstrong’s walk on the moon.
School Colors:  Blue and Gold (School Mascot: The Eagle after the Apollo ll Lunar Module)