Admin Read-a-Louds
As so many of you know, since I began my time at Neil Armstrong, I have loved going into every classroom every month to read a story to all of our students. It is a great time for me to connect with our students- we discuss important themes and share our love of reading. I would like all families to know ahead of time the list of books that I will be reading for the 2024-2025 school year.
The titles along with the themes we will discuss are as follows:
Braver than Brave, by Janet Sumner Johnson - Courage
I Like This, You Like That by Linda Ashman and Eve Coy - Friendship
Ten Beautiful Things by Molly Griffin and Marivel Lechuga - Gratitude
All of Us by Kathryn Erskine - Empathy
Bob the Artist by Marion Deuchars - Respect
I Promise by LeBron James and Niña Mata - Responsibility
Be Strong by Pat Zietlow Miller - Perseverance